Congratulations to Chen Qian and Anthony DiNatale! Chen Qian is the recipient of the Ben Weiss Merit award. Anthony DiNatale is the recipient of the Mary Shaw travel award. These awards recognize the hard work and achievements of the graduate students working in the Pharmacology and Physiology Department at Drexel University College of Medicine.

Benjamin Weiss, PhD, was a beloved Professor of Pharmacology for many years, beginning at the Medical College of PA and continuing until his retirement from Drexel University College of Medicine. This Award was established to honor his legacy of teaching, research, mentorship, and commitment to the advancement of scientific knowledge. It reflects the affection of his former students, postdoctoral fellows, colleagues, and friends.

Mary Hoffman Shaw, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and Physiology, passed away on May 20, 2004, after a battle with metastatic breast cancer. As a faculty member, Dr. Shaw devoted the bulk of her efforts to the education of medical and graduate students, and served as Co-Director of the first year Medical Physiology and Graduate Physiology courses. The Department of Pharmacology & Physiology established the Mary Hoffman Shaw, Ph.D., Memorial Travel Award to provide travel support for graduate students working in the department each year to present his or her research at a national meeting.